Evaluation will be by Entry application only.
A1: पर्यावरण और उपभोग (Environment & Consumption) These may include but are not limited to restoring water & terrestrial ecosystems, mitigating the impact of climate change, along with water & waste management, recycling, generating/utilizing renewable & affordable energy, sanitation management, and sustainable production & consumption. Initiatives in alignment with SDG’s 6,7,12,13,14&15
A2: शिक्षा (Education) These can include but are not limited to affordable primary & secondary education, skill development, inclusive, disability-sensitive, nonviolent environment for education, eliminating gender disparity in education, and increasing scholarships Initiatives in alignment with SDG 4
A3: सशक्तिकरण (Enablement) These can include but are not limited to human rights, livelihood, inclusive world, community development, disaster relief, employment creation, entrepreneurship development, job creation, heritage conservation, rehabilitation, upgrading slum settlements & infrastructure, supporting communities affected by conflict or climate-related disasters, etc. Also, acknowledge sports promotion, creating sports facilities, etc. SDG’s in alignment with 1,4,5.8, & 10
A4: स्वास्थ, पौषण और कल्याण (Health, Nutrition & Wellbeing) These can include but are not limited to preventing & reducing maternal, neonatal, communicable & noncommunicable diseases, road accidents, chemical contamination & substance abuse mortality. Also includes Universal Health Coverage, and access to sexual & reproductive health services along with promoting the R&D of medicines, vaccines, etc. Also ending hunger & malnutrition. COVID-19 Outreach initiatives will also be considered here. Initiatives in alignment with SDG 2 & 3
A5: कृषि & ग्रामीण विकास (Agriculture & Rural Development) These can include but are not limited to promoting sustainable agriculture, improving capacities of small-scale farmers, investment in infrastructure & technology to improve agricultural productivity, improving livelihood for farmers & maintaining the genetic diversity of seeds, plants & animals Initiatives in alignment with SDG 2 & 8
A6: लैंगिक समानता (Gender Diversity & Inclusion) These can include but are not limited to women and third gender empowerment, Equal access to education, decent work, and representation in political and economic decision-making processes, eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence in the public and private spheres and to undertake reforms to give equal rights to economic resources and access to ownership of property. Initiatives in alignment with SDG 5
A7: इनोवेटिव डेवलपमेंट सेक्टर प्रोजेक्ट (Innovative Development Sector Project) is an initiative that has been submitted in any one of the above categories or can be evaluated as an independent entry submitted here which has displayed exemplary innovation and may have covered multiple challenges through its unique approach.
A8: Behavioural Change through Marketing & Communication To recognize the most effective marketing and/or communication public awareness campaign created for a not-for-profit, for-profit, CSR campaign, or Social responsibility campaign. It can be digital, mobile, TV, Radio, social media, OOH, or even a BTL activity. This subcategory is open to agencies as well as entities who may want to submit directly.